F R O M  T H E  D E S K  O F  Y E S H U A  Y O G - S O T H O T H .

AS A PRE-EMPTIVE REPRIEVE from the usual vainglorious, ego-driven poetry intending to make its way here, also to be posted soon will be a few minor 'reviews' of some "Instant-Streaming" movies available on The Netflix I was able to stomach for not much longer than 3 or so minutes before forming opinions and plot predictions which then were shared nearly instantaneously with the entire Netflik'r'd™ community in a self-righteous, inebriated state at odd or unusual hours. 

"Ironically, Impatience begat the 'Pause' button," as Sir John Thomas Edison improbably wrote, despairingly, to his Mother –  back in those simpler, old-fashioned days.  Likewise, what may have, indeed, begun as "a series of delightfully angry responses to a particular strain of [Netflik'r'd™] armchair critics who, as if out of spite, refuse to watch more than a few moments of nearly any film before acting upon their primal need to proclaim closely-held (and poorly articulated) assumptions in particularly self-indulgent, ignorant ways" (as the Times somewhat chummily  held forth in a summary of my unpublished ledger) nevertheless ended abruptly when, upon investigating the sheer, practical handiness of said "Instant-Streaming" technology (a Pause button!  A Stop button!  A Post Your Own Review button!) I realized I had no U.S. dollars to lose by "walking out," so to speak, of what certainly would not become a better film upon further viewing, as I'm sure you will all come to agree.  

 Also to be posted, as decency allows:  3 clenched fist-fulls of actual, unedited RIPOSTES to other miscreants' reviews from the offended and/or disgruntled Netflik'r'd™ apologists for Unreason and all else that is foul in modern-day cinemafantastique.  Cheers!